Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tackling the "demons"

Well...I have no closets..not one...and I have more work to do than one human being could ever do Things are always piled up around here simply because they don't have a "place" but there are some jobs that I NEVER get to that just drive me crazy. Today I cut up some card stock and wrote each one of these jobs on a little card and then dropped them all in a gallon jar (there are a LOT of chores). They're things like "rake the barnyard"...fill the raised garden bed with manure, plant the plants along the side of the barn, clean off my computer desk, clean the kitchen shelves, clean the catering refrigerators. I'm going to pull out at least one card a day and get one of these miserable little jobs done so that I can sleep at night. I'll NEVER get it all done (I feel like that guy on the old Ed Sullivan show who used to keep a bunch of plates spinning on long sticks)...with just the everyday things I'm responsible for (basically...everything BUT carving ice). Today I cleaned out the dressers and threw out the clothes that really needed to go...and got rid of a pile of clothes that wouldn't fit into the drawers until after I cleaned them off. One card checked off the list. WHEW!!

SO!!! These are the changes I've made so far...

1) I'm giving myself permission to do something EVERY day that I want to do. (Today I broke up mugs)

2) I've made a jar full of chores that NEVER seem to get done and every day I'm going to complete one of those chores so that I can feel as if I've accomplished something every day...instead of just working myself to death and feeling as if I got nothing done...just dreadful, repetitive work.

Tommorrow... I begin to work on a "plan"...and I'm going to come up with one more "change" to make in my life to make things better.

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